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Proven Process

We have developed a trustworthy process during our years of building, migrating, updating, and maintaining eCommerce websites. Once we get started on your project, you can rely on our team to make steady progress towards a successful conclusion.

Discovery & Planning

First, outline project goals, technical requirements, and general schedule and budget. Projects are divided into phases followed by tasks. A comprehensive project management system makes it easy to track where you are on a project and how much time is spent on each part.


We learn about our client's business and their rivals during the research phase. Additionally, we examine their current website and discuss what is effective and what is not. During this phase, we also meet with the client to learn more about their eCommerce goals.


This section details the inner workings of the website, considering all aspects of the user experience. After the customer approves the prototype, we proceed to the actual work.


Now is the time to create the code that will bring your website's vision to life. Every line of code is carefully scrutinized throughout this phase. However, this procedure does not end with code. Additionally, we bring in our talented team of graphic designers to make certain that the website has custom graphics that complement the client's brand.

Testing & Adjustments

In this section, we define the website's inner workings in exquisite detail, taking into account each and every element of the consumer experience. After the purchaser approves our prototypes, we pass on to the actual thing.


After developing a launch strategy with you and carrying out a final round of tire kicking to ensure that everything is ready to go, we will press that big red button with your approval, and your store will be available for people all over the world to browse.

Support, Maintenance & Optimization

We keep an eye on how well your e-commerce store is performing and make adjustments as necessary to make sure you get the results you want. We provide regular reports to inform you of your progress and highlight areas for enhancement.