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Without advertising, a business cannot exist. Your product reaches potential customers through this, enabling you to acquire devoted followers and repeat customers.

One of the most exciting aspects of running an eCommerce business, especially on Amazon, is advertising. You’ll need to think strategically and think creatively to succeed. Planners and sellers should consider satisfying Amazon’s A9 algorithm when crafting an effective advertisement. Having said that, you shouldn’t neglect the fun, vivacity, and excitement of displaying your advertisement. To entice your audience, you must devise the most captivating strategy.

Consider Amazon advertising as a step up if you have experience in advertising. We have compiled the fundamentals of Amazon paid ads management, the various types of ads you can use, and methods for optimizing your content based on the most recent advertising trends in this helpful 2023 guide. You can proceed with confidence through the challenging but rewarding journey of Amazon advertising if you are familiar with these particulars.

Advertising on Amazon

The term “Amazon advertising” refers to a method by which sellers can promote their brands and products to the general public. Depending on the objectives of the sellers, Amazon offers a variety of simple advertising options. Some ads are only displayed on Amazon, while others are displayed everywhere, including on websites and platforms operated by third parties. Displays designed to entice devoted customers to repurchase are used in some advertisements to raise brand awareness.

The majority of Amazon ads use a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which is an appealing feature. The seller will only be compensated for each successful click on their advertisements under PPC.

Advertising on Amazon is fairly straightforward. There are a few simple steps you can take to promote your products. The real question is how to advertise Amazon products in the most effective manner and which kinds of ads will accomplish your objectives best.

The Best Way to Advertise Products on Amazon

Even marketing experts are of the opinion that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy that can guarantee advertising success on Amazon. Even if you sell the same products, what works best for you might not be the best choice for another seller. Moreover, any technological or platform updates; In 2023, what has worked in the past might no longer be effective. However, you still need to take the first step, which is to decide on your objectives.

  • Do I want people to be aware of my brand?
  • Do I want customers to buy my goods?
  • Do I want to repeat and be a devoted customer?
  • Do I want to lower the cost of sales for my advertising?

Select a type of advertisement that will appeal to them or get in touch with an agency that can assist you once you have determined the aspects of your business that need to be prioritized.

How do sponsored products work?

Amazon Sponsored Ads can be used for a variety of purposes. You can make use of this if you want to highlight your most popular products in order to boost sales. If the featured product clearly displays your trademark, Amazon Sponsored Ads may also aid in brand awareness. Sponsored products may be at the top of your seasonal campaign strategies.

What is the price?

Pay-per-click is the strategy used in this ad. Only when someone clicks on your ad will you be charged.

I can handle this. What should I do?

  1. Pick a time and date for when your ads will run by logging into your seller or vendor account. Choose the product that you want to promote. In preparation for the bidding, establish your budget. When selecting keywords, you have two options. Depending on your keyword research, you can either let Amazon choose your keywords through automatic keyword bidding or manually enter them.
  2. Give the job to professionals who know how to manage Amazon-sponsored ads. They’d know which keywords to bid on that were generated automatically. Additionally, they can compile a list of keywords for your manual campaign. With their experience, an Amazon advertising agency can apply the best practices for Amazon Sponsored Products to your campaign.
  3. Your ad will be generated automatically by Amazon, freeing you from a number of responsibilities. After a few choices and clicks, you can start your campaign.

Where will the ad be displayed?

  • The first page of the search results
  • Product pages of other sellers whose products are related to yours

Sponsored Brands

How does it work? 

Check by going back to your goals. Do you want to promote your brand? Are sales merely supplementary? Amazon Sponsored Brands is the type of advertising for you if you answered “yes.”

Amazon Sponsored Brands is a way for seasoned sellers to increase brand awareness and acquire repeat or devoted customers. Also, the advertisement can be a big announcement if you have product updates.

Sponsored Brands is a great way to promote your business and raise awareness for newcomers to Amazon. Social proof and an image of dependability are created by the ads’ appearance. Given your investment in the poster’s image and content, customers would try it.

What is the price?

Additionally, Amazon Sponsored Brands operates on a pay-per-click model. These steps can be taken once you are prepared.

  • Get ready for the details of your brand that you want to show your audience. Bring out the personality of your brand. Choose a slogan and image that people will remember. Utilize the assistance of a company to carry out your plans if you already have the concept in mind. The layout, images, text, and other visuals will be handled by advertising specialists and designers.
  • In order to pique the curiosity of your customers, your images and words should be appealing, inventive, and informative. The objective is to get people’s attention so that they can click on the advertisement to go to your product page. Submit your advertisement to Amazon for review and posting once you are satisfied with the visuals.
  • Make a plan for your keywords. You might also find it helpful to investigate the technical aspects of Sponsored Brand advertising, such as selecting the appropriate keywords. You can choose to manually plan or use Amazon’s keyword ranking algorithm. Another area in which a third-party agency can assist you is selecting a keyword strategy.
  • Make your spending plan. Set a start and end date for your campaign to get it started. Keep an eye out for the outcomes.

Where will the ad be displayed?

You are in charge of where your advertisement appears.

How does sponsored display work?

Sponsored Display is the solution if you want to create ads that appear both inside and outside of Amazon. Choose one of Amazon’s pre-made layouts to avoid the hassle of building a website. Amazon claims it only takes a few minutes and a few clicks to build an off-page website, which should give you an idea of how simple it can be.

This ad can be used to target customers who are looking for products similar to yours. People who have previously purchased from you or visited your product page can also benefit from Sponsored Display.

What is the price?

Additionally, Sponsored Display operates on a pay-per-click model. The advertisement only appears when you own stocks.

When you’re ready, follow these steps:

First, pick one of the three options. Your ad will be able to appear on pages that feature products similar to yours thanks to product targeting. Views remarketing and interests are aimed at people who have previously made purchases from your website or page. The last option has a 90-day section to consider, while the previous covers just 30 days. You can always work with an Amazon advertising agency to figure out the best way to target your audience.

When you advertise outside of Amazon, be prepared to display your entire store because you will have more space. The information you were unable to enter on your Amazon product listing will be complemented by your off-Amazon page. Be ready with content and images to fill the extra space. The content ought to continue to be creative and informative. Sprinkle these useful facts throughout your content by thinking about what your customers would like to see and learn more about.

Choose your advertising campaign’s layout and the timetable. You are then prepared to launch.

Where will the ad be displayed?

On and off the Amazon page, it will appear.


How does it work for Amazon Stores?

With Amazon Stores, you can create a space where your audience and customers can learn more about your brand. Compared to the straightforward product listing format, it is a more visually appealing method of product presentation. Imagine utilizing the eCommerce platform to create your very own miniature website. You will also receive a unique URL from Amazon that you can share on your social media accounts.

You can also use a lot of templates from Amazon to include multimedia that piques your interest. Keep your content up to date, especially if you have product updates or additions. This will guarantee that your customers will always be interested in and engaged with your products.

What is the price?

The best news of all is that creating your Amazon Store is free.

The process of opening an Amazon Store only takes one day. Select the design template. Add text, incorporate various images of your brand and products, and submit the finished product to Amazon. You get your very own Amazon Store the next day, or 24 hours later.

You can delegate the task to an Amazon advertising agency, where professionals will handle the majority of the work, if you want to ensure that your content is elegant, communicates well, and of the highest quality.

Following the launch:

  1. Give your store time to start getting visits and clicks.
  2. Examine whether your current strategy is working by extracting the data. In any other case, make the necessary alterations.
  3. Make the most of the data you’ve gathered about Amazon’s paid ads management.


Other ads on Amazon: Video Ads, Native Ads, and a Sponsored Display Ad on Fire TV

In addition to the aforementioned types of ads, you may also have other options for increasing sales or raising brand awareness.

  • Video Ads: One of the best things about Amazon Video Ads is that you don’t have to be a member of Amazon to use them. The videos can be used as a link to their own websites or product pages by both Amazon sellers and non-sellers.
  • Native Ads: Native Ads is a simple link if you have your own website and want customers to easily access your Amazon product listing. Custom ads, recommendation ads, and search ads are all options.

The content of your website, the products you offer, and the visitor’s search history will all be taken into account by recommendation ads. Products on your website that are related to the customer’s searches will be shown in search ads. Last but not least, custom ads will let you choose which products should appear on your website. Before developing an individual Amazon PPC strategy, conduct research if the last option is chosen.

Fire TV’s Sponsored Display is a subtype of Sponsored Display that is only available in the United States. Amazon Fire TV will display your advertisements.



The following is a summary of what you need to know about Amazon advertising in 2023. When starting a campaign for the first time, managing Amazon paid ads can be a bit challenging at first. An excellent first step is to be familiar with the various Amazon advertisements.

As previously stated, your objectives should always be taken into consideration when selecting an advertisement. When your objectives, whether they be sales, brand recognition, or a combination of the two, are achieved, advertising Amazon products is at its most effective.

You always have the option of working with an Amazon advertising agency if you find that advertising on Amazon is too much for you.

HMR One can help you manage ads sponsored by Amazon. Your advertisements, product pages, and websites can all benefit from the expertise of our team, which can also manage the images. We are dedicated to producing output that reaches your clients and converts their clicks into sales.

Contact us to discuss your company’s requirements. You can also learn more about us by visiting our website.

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